
mini mummies

This little appy has turned into a must-make Halloween snack tradition.


hello, hurricane sandy!

Hurricane Sandy is barreling into New Jersey and the rest of the Mid-Atlantic seaboard with wind gusts of up to 70mph. After last year's snowpocalypse, I'm expecting the worst this time around and think that we'll lose power for a few days.

Yesterday, I was keeping calm and eating potato chips; today, I'm switching from savory to sweet and trying out cupcakes, cookies, and pop tarts. School is canceled for two days for The Kids and The Hubs' two offices are closed. While we still have power, I'm finishing this post, cooking a hot breakfast, then playing games with the kids while keeping one eye glued to The Weather Channel. I confess, I'm a little storm-obsessed.

For those of you out there also affected, best wishes for a safe weathering of the storm. Hope Hurricane Sandy moves in and out of this area quickly- a speedy hello and even faster goodbye.


honey wheat oatmeal bread

Yes, it's been a whole lot of bread baking here in New Jersey. I hope you're not breaded out, but bear with me just one more time. I promise I'll find something novel to bake next, maybe something pumpkiny?

This bread does differ from the previous posts in that it involves yeast. The smells of yeast bread proofing and baking are so appealing. I had all the ingredients on hand too— always a plus.


banana chocolate chip bread

Firsts. Whether it be in love or experiences, they always hold a special place in your heart.

This first — a banana bread recipe— was given to me by The Amazing Musician College Buddy. I loved it when she baked it and when I was a lucky recipient of a slice or two. Or three or four. For years, the recipe had been misplaced, but yesterday I found the scrap of paper I'd jotted it down on. With three spotty bananas waiting to be mashed and mixed, I embraced the opportunity and the memories.


spooktacular treat bags!

Lest you think that I've gotten into graphic design (I only wish I had that talent,) I'm just sharing some free printables. Gotta love free! Paper Coterie is the lovely site with the download.


chai tea concentrate

What are your favorite cool weather drinks? Are you a coffee or a tea kind of person? Hot chocolate or hot apple cider?

Coffee has always been my first love, that is, until I tried the Chai Tea Latte at Starbucks. I was smitten with the wonderful mix of spices — cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves.

So you can imagine my excitement at finding a recipe for a mixture containing both dairy and spice. Now, I can have a chai tea on a daily basis without the hefty price tag!


pumpkin chocolate chip loaf

Here's another pumpkin recipe to add to your file. This recipe does not call for any milk, buttermilk or sour cream— thankfully, since I had none of the above in the house.  Just some vegetable oil and water.

The Discerning Daughter tasted it and said that she wanted more spice and asked for this pumpkin bread recipe instead. I realized she was missing the cloves and ginger. So, add the spices you like, hold back on ones that you don't. If you want cloves and ginger here, ¼ teaspoon cloves and ½ teaspoon ginger is a good place to start. But whatever you do, definitely don't leave out the chocolate chips!


pumpkin possibilities...

For me, fall = pumpkin. I love the smells of cinnamon and spices wafting through the air as something pumpkiny or appley (TOTALLY made up words, I know!) is cooking up in the oven.

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, but I'm still here— hope you are still there too. I've been in the kitchen trying out a few new recipes and revisiting some old ones. These are a few of the tried and true goodies that I've gone back to: (starting from upper left hand corner and going clockwise) pumpkin streusel coffee cake, pumpkin whoopie pie, pumpkin bread with pecan streusel topping and pumpkin ginger custard.

Hope you're having a happy autumn!