
s'mores milkshake

I don't know how it is in your part of the world (and don't answer that, people Down Under!) but here in New Jersey, we are in middle of our umpteenth heat wave. 100ยบ+. I was so in the mood for a cool drink.

The Kids religiously read The Food Network Magazine, and they found this awesome recipe in the 50 Milkshakes insert. You might just have all the items handily available!

We used chocolate chip ice cream,

blended with broiled marshmallows and milk,

and topped with some graham cracker crumbs.

A refreshing treat for the dog days of summer.

S'mores Milkshake
slightly adapted from Food Network Magazine, July/August 2012

6 marshmallows
1 pint chocolate chip ice cream
¼ cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt
crushed graham crackers

Broil the marshmallows on foil until browned. Blend ice cream, milk, vanilla, salt, and marshmallows. Top with crushed graham crackers. Serves 2.

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chocolate croissant

I know what you're thinking. Wow! Those look professional! And guess what? You're right!


lemon bars

The Visiting California Friends came over for Bake Day, and The Girls requested to make cupcakes and these lemon bars.

 They zested,




and baked the crust to a slight golden color,
to bring out the buttery flavor.