
crumb coffee cake

Hey everyone, I hope you're having a fine summer. I was watching my new guilty pleasure, Rush, on USA Network, and saw a back-to-school commercial. Wham, bam, kick to the gut. I felt as though my summer was dwindling to a close.

Now, I know for some of you (North Carolina people, I think?) you're already in session, and for many of you, school starts at the end of August. Here in NJ, it's always been after Labor Day, so yes, I want still want to think that I have nearly a whole month of vacation left! That said, my kids are at a two week sleep away camp, so talk to me after they're home for two weeks, and you know that school can't start soon enough.

But I'm not here to rail against vacation and back-to-school angst, I'm here to talk about this yummy coffee cake! I love the crumb to cake ratio (heavy on the crumb), the flavors are simple and straightforward, the texture moist and firm.

You can find the recipe over at kimchi MOM, where I'm guest blogging today. She is not just a friend in the blogosphere, but a friend in real life (you'll read why.) While you're there, take a look around her site; she has some amazing, delicious recipes you'll be inspired to try. (I'm partial to her Indian Style Roasted Cauliflower.)