
green bean bundles

Full disclosure here— this is a recipe culled from InStyle, circa when-90210-was-a-hot-show. The recipe was officially called Tori Spelling's Green Bean Bundles. I don't remember much of the article, except that it included a photograph of Mrs. Aaron Spelling's GIFT-WRAPPING ROOM, which I immediately lusted after. (Yes, in Spelling's 100+ room mansion, there exists a room dedicated solely to the purpose of storing wrapping papers, ribbons and doo-dads to package all the gifts they give. I am a sucker for a beautifully wrapped gift.)


coconut grove cookies

I made these cookies and I got thinking about cookie texture.

I am most drawn to a combo crispy/chewy texture, like in the cornflake, chocolate chip, marshmallow cookie.  I'm also a huge fan of crisp, buttery texture, like in a shortbread cookie. The ideal chocolate chip cookie, with crispy around the edges, giving way to a soft middle, is also a perennial favorite.


chocolate spice minicakes

Like my taxes, these minicakes were done at the last minute.

Nothing like a deadline to galvanize you into action, and since my deadline for this Martha Stewart Cupcake Club assignment is the 15th— today!— I'm scrambling to bake a treat, write the post and celebrate finished taxes. It helps that the recipe is a quick one. Since they're going to a meeting, I made them in minis, the easier to pick them up and pop into the mouth.

I will definitely revisit this recipe come autumn, as the cakes are redolent with wonderful spices. I've never mixed gingerbread with chocolate before and wasn't sure how I'd like it. I remain rather ambivalent about the combination, but I know there are a legion of chocolate fans out there who love it any which way, so this is a happy marriage for you folks. I'd read that the molasses taste was a bit strong, so I reduced the amount of molasses a bit and added some vanilla.

I baked the cakes with liners and without, and I had to show you the different outcomes...

Weird, right? Most of the unlined ones came out looking like they developed some kind of boil smack in the middle.

With a little confectioner's sugar and a little candied ginger, the bumps are camouflaged and the minicakes are gussied up and set to go. Thanks to Julie of Little Bit of Everything for choosing this month's recipe. You can find the recipe on her blog.

This post is linked to the following: show and share, tatertots and jello, i'm lovin' itfrugal girls, show and telltasty tuesdaystip me tuesday, crazy sweet tuesdaywow me wednesday, sugar and dots, somewhat simplesomething swankySundae Scoopmade by you mondays, this chick cooks, friday flair, c.r.a.f.t., show me what you got